Thursday, September 24, 2009

on the verge

I can still taste the garlic cloves and curry from lunch. Outside it's a beautifully cool 66 degrees and everyone is trying to decide whether or not they should get used to it. They are wearing jeans, sweatshirts over t-shirts, and flip flops and then complaining that it's cold in a 74 degree building. People are so funny.
The lobby is kind of quiet this afternoon. Quiet and still, either everyone is working upstairs or they have all just fallen asleep simultaneously. The birdman is coming down the stairs, trading in his claps and slams on the desk for birdcalls and whistles after I told him yesterday that it was annoying when he did the former. Thanks for changing that up, Birdman.
I love these afternoons. It's grey and quiet outside, this makes the trees look especially green, my new pink sweater (phone rings, same guy, transfer to accounts receivable) especially pink. I noticed someone who has been wearing cuter outfits this week. I wonder what's going on with him. I especially like what he's wearing today, it's been my fantasy outfit for someone else here for a while and I'm just so happy to see it on someone. His glasses just top off the look, but then again, we know how much I love glasses on a cute guy. I wonder if he got himself a girlfriend, or maybe he's trying new looks to see what she likes? Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, answer phone, "This is a message from the National Healthcare Program"....RLS - other phone rings, someone comes in the door, I call up the Birdman, the buzzing phone rings again, it's Erica, the recording, I hang up, the guy goes with the birdman - and then that distinct pain in my neck that has been happening. Right side, ears ringing like I have a shell over them, what are they trying to tell me? Birdman comes back, we talk for a minute, then we are done and he goes.
Someone is in the "loft" talking on their cell phone because the reception is so bad "inside" the building. I don't know if people forget I'm down here or just don't care, Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz "hello, this is your Captain speaking..."RLS but I can hear their half of the conversation and sometimes they make me want to listen, but most of the time they don't. I mean, how many times can you hear someone say - ring - someone comes down, funny banter - someone say "metrix....blah blah...sure....sure...slice and dice demographics...sure...sure...quality up...let me find out more for you about that..." phone rings, distraction, looking up Annie Lennox - here comes the rain again - playing it on low volume - here comes the rain again, falling on my head like a memory, falling on my head like a new emotion...buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz "hello this is Erica from credit card services" hang up "talk to me, like lovers to, walk with me, like lovers do, talk to me like lovers do, here comes the rain again" someone coming through the lobby, another distraction, another blog, another search...

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