Friday, April 23, 2010

Deeper Dive

It has been quite a while since I have written an entry, so much has happened since then, here are some highlights...
1) On April 3rd I had to have my cat put to sleep - she had suffered kidney failure and instead of turning my house into Kitty Hospice, I asked the kitty what she wanted to do and she said she wanted to go to the big sushi bar in the sky. I thanked her so very much for being the best kitty puss puss in the world and watched as they gave her a shot and her tiny little green eyes closed for the last time. Then, the very next hour, I found out that my friend had a baby boy. I made it to the hospital the next day to hold him and be with their family, it was a delight. Nothing like a day old baby to bring some light and hope into the world.
2) The yearly ride that I volunteer for is all geared up and ready to go tomorrow. I am the captain of the team that takes care of a tent at the top of the hill for the riders to stop, enjoy and pick up a popsicle - we encourage them, give them water and gatorade and joke around about spandex - it's all good and it's all in costume! Our theme this year is ROCKY - we were inspired by the scene in the original where he triumphantly climbs the stairs as our tent is at the top of a hill. Very excited about tomorrow, should be a gorgeous day in the hill country...
3) Another step in the journey towards financial independence, decided to freeze my gym membership (bye bye kickboxing :( and no more brow waxes - time to take my tweezers into my own hands since my stupid property taxes went up - good thing is, I didn't realize I had this kind of discipline inside of me - except when it comes to that new frozen yogurt place down the street - those bastards.
4) I love our public television channel - just when I was ready to give up on my farm share, I see FOOD, INC. again and EARTH DAYS: AMERICAN EXPERIENCE - amazing. Makes me want to MOVE TO A FARM and garden naked like the hippies in the movie - too bad gardening is so, well, dirty and sweaty, also, that's A LOT of sunscreen.
5) I burned my first DVD with my new computer and feel like I am part of the future for a second. I burn a movie based on the French book Le scaphandre et le papillon - The Diving Bell and the Butterfly - I don't care that it's in French with no subtitles, I read them the first time and the language is so beautiful, it's just lovely to watch and listen...another cool thing is that I saw that movie - one about a man who uses only his eye to write a book, then I saw Broken Embraces - a man who is blind who writes a movie...
6)Have been catching up with friends from the past, one from high school and one from college, people I haven't seen in 12-18 years, reconnecting on facebook and finding that people do change, they may seem the same, but we all grow, we all learn, we all connect to each other in different times in our lives for our souls to "check in" and fill in the blanks of those questions forgotten (what seems like) so very long ago...I wonder what it will feel like to come across someone when I'm 50? or if I run into someone when I'm 70? Who will it be? What will we talk about? What answers will be revealed?

1 comment:

  1. I love you sweet girl. AND, I love your blog. You could e the boss of my lobby anytime!
