Monday, October 19, 2009

My Sundays belong to Don Draper.

This weekend was a blast! I went to volunteer at the Capitol Area Food Bank on Saturday morning. Our motley crew was made up of a few people doing their community service, a church group of singles (that I was invited to join :), a group of accountants and later a group of kids, but they were in a separate room doing other stuff. I spent the time with my table partner writing up lables for the food boxes that were being checked, sorted and weighed for storage. I'm excited for the Oktoberfest Austin next weekend, and I look forward to continuing to help them out on a regular basis. What I learned from this experience is that I am truly blessed to be able to choose to volunteer and to be grateful that I have the time, energy and willingness to be a part of something bigger than myself.

Sunday I was of service as well, I gave my friend her monthly massage/reiki session. This darling woman has been my client since I was in school five years ago. It's our monthly appointment to catch up with each other, make up some funny songs like we do, and laugh at trash tv - oh yeah, and there's the massage part, too. I think the benefits of massage carry over to the practitioner as well. I always feel more relaxed and at ease when I am done working on someone. It's a combination of the touch, the reiki and the look on their faces when I am done - it's really wonderful and I'm so glad that I am able to provide this service to those I know and love.

Once our session was over, I went over to another friend's house that I haven't seen in a while. We had a chance to catch up and do a full hour trade on each other. It's amazing how much tension I have been storing just in my shoulders and gluteous maximus. Sitting today is kind of uncomfortable, because ironically enough, I was so used to the tension that now that I'm all relaxed, my clothes fit a little differently and I don't fit in the chair the same way. During the lyphatic clearing portion of my session, I could feel the energy moving all over, tingling and rushing throughout my system as if it had been trapped there for months (and it probably had been). There has been so much emotional upheaval that I think my system, although efficient and magnificent in all it's glory, was a bit overwhelmed.

I got a little lost going home, I was so loopy from the trade, I missed my exit, but once I got there, I was able to do some more laundry and watch Mad Men, which is my perfect end to a fantastic weekend. Mmmmmmmmmmm....Don Draper.

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