Monday, October 26, 2009


Friday after work, I felt all of a sudden like all my energy had been sucked out. I almost did not go to the happy hour I promised my ex-boss I would go to, but something told me to take a quick nap, freshen up, and GO TO THAT HAPPY HOUR. Okay, Okay, I thought to myself, I'll go. I had a small slice of pizza that was leftover from the night before, just so I wouldn't eat my arm, and made my way downtown. The happy hour was...interesting....I ran into someone who I really don't remember. He reminded me so much of a friend of mine from theatre, and it turns out that is how we knew each other, and I spent a lot of time at the beginning of our conversation trying to figure out if he was gay or straight (he did mention a few dates with girls, so I'm going to say straight) and some of the rest of the conversation on whether or not he was flirting with me (too much wine to tell). I met some other folks there, but mostly stuck to this person, we were having a great conversation and I just didn't migrate too much. People tended to come up to us and join in our conversation because we were laughing a lot, and they were also trying to figure out if he was gay or straight (I told them I didn't know and asked what they thought). I have to admit, I was not being a very good networker. I had set my intention to meet as many people there as possible and maybe get a lead on the whole marketing/writing world, it's just not how the evening went. Oh well - next time I will do what 'they' say - excuse myself and go meet more people!

The next morning, I went back to the salon for my haircut. I ended up getting a mini-facial for bringing in canned food for a food drive they are doing and also a light eye treatment and hand massage - so nice :) Afterwards, I decided to just hang out on SoCo for a while. I went to Jo's and got myself a turbo - their delightfully sweet coffee drink. Then I made my way up the street to the parking lot where Austin Pet's Alive!, Crepe Mille, Mad Cakes and a few little jewelry stands live. The dogs were not out yet and I was hungry, I found myself being pulled toward the crepe menu and noticed that half were savory and half were sweet. One in particular caught my eye, the panang thai curry. I was feeling quite adventurous and decided to get that one with tofu for breakfast. The crepe was light and fluffy, the tofu was soft and yummy, there were sliced carrots and it was all awash in a fantastic, just spicy enough curry/coconut milk sauce. OMG, people, so freaking good. It was big, too and the man brought it right out to me. By the time I was done, the doggies were out and I got to visit with them, observe them, feel their energy. There was one in particular who was kinda barky and jumpy, but so very cute. I bought a mini lemon zest bundt cake from the cake lady and now that all my cash was gone, it was time to go.

Saturday night was the volunteer gig at the Oktoberfest where the music was great and the crowd was a blast to watch. My volunteer partner wasn't very talkative and so the time didn't go by as quickly as I had anticipated, but it was a gorgeous day and a pleasure to be outside. Once the gig was over, I made my way up to my friend's new house. It is just beautiful. It's hard to listen to her describe it because she is so caught up in her story of how she wants things to be and what she thinks is wrong with the place instead of how lovely the house IS and how wonderful it is to be in the place that she is at NOW. I must admit It's hard for me to listen to her and not want to shake her violently. She says she doesn't like to brag, but she doesn't even sound happy to be there (although she said she was, so I have to believe her). The night ended with her husband and I dancing to Michael Jackson videos - lots of fun, I think we may have an act! ;)

Sunday I took breakfast up to another friend (this is a guy from work) who just bought a new house. We had our breakfast tacos and I helped him unpack some of his decorative stuff. He wanted me to help him put it up, but his hammer and nails were still packed and the man doesn't have a coffee table, so we agreed it was time to make a trip to IKEA - another time. Last night was my first yoga class in a few months and it went surprisingly well, then my girlfriends and I went for Mexican food at El Arroyo. Once we were done trying to teach one of the girls how to shake her hips like Shakira (to no avail) it was time to go home for a shower and Mad Men - it was so freaking good I watched it again, I cried even.

The whole weekend was about unfolding, unpacking, unwinding, uncoiling and unravelling. Sometimes I get so tied up in my life, my ego, my routine that weekends like this remind me that I can always make a different choice to open my eyes to the newness of an experience like eating breakfast, or going to a public event or sweating with my friends in a yoga class.

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