Thursday, November 5, 2009

groceries, book fair, money and true luck chevre

I have been plotting to write a new posts. A post about dreams and cheese and the book fair nights I have been attending and helping at. A post about people who seemingly go unnoticed. A post about the weird lunch I had today with someone where all I talked about was a stupid boy at work that I don't even like...or do I?

The ideas come in and out of my head and I log them into my palm with the intention of writing about them later. Grand ideas about interweaving their themes, their images and the music in my head, but the phone rings or the admin upstairs asks me to enter in the names and phone numbers of 200 people or the other admin asks me to make coffee for the customers and then the next thing I know, a week has gone by and all those little notes I wrote in my palm are not triggering anything, or don't seem to warrant an entire entry, or I just forgot why I wrote them down.

I have been busy, though, going out after work to volunteer at the book fair, volunteering at the food bank, checking my bank account (ah! what the fuck?!), going to get groceries and flirting with random chefs in the cheese section of the grocery store. So many ideas are coming to me from the ether. After the book fair last night, I was saying goodbye to everyone and then spotted the two young ladies cleaning the windows just down the hall, I'm sure they were surprised to hear me say "buenas noches" to them, but they said it back happily to me. When I got outside and looked back, they appeared to be dancing shadows doing a lovely goodbye waving dance, but they were still just cleaning the windows and since it was dark outside, they were back lit so it was a cool effect. I instantly wanted to interview them for a documentary, to do interviews with the day porter from work, the painter guy who I let into the break room, the leaf blowers, the lady who makes my breakfast tacos at the barbecue joint. All these folks that I practice my Spanish on well, because I can. I also love to see the smile on their faces when we have short conversations and then we say goodbye. I wonder what they are thinking, maybe they will tell me for the movie ;)

I had lunch with a woman at work that I reconnected with after a happy hour and we talked about these two co-workers we are both friends with. We agreed that they like to talk about themselves, A LOT. I made the observation that even now, even though we have all these other things to talk about her and I, here we are talking about them. WTF? For some reason I end up talking incessantly about whether or not one of these dudes likes me. I have to remind myself that work is not a dating pool, that if he has not asked me out on a date or even called me after work, he is not interested, but then he says all kinds of things to me, in passing, during breaks, at our infrequent lunches together. Are you flirting with me or not, Man? What's the deal? Why do I even care?

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