Wednesday, November 11, 2009

downward facing dog

I have learned through my yoga and some meditation practice that we can control our thoughts. Not just the constant inner monologue that is present in our everyday lives, that one is very important to pay attention to, but the voice below that one. What is called the subconscious. During my week at the book fair, I had the pleasant surprise of finding a book called Jewish Meditation. This is a step by step manual for finding out how and why people meditate and also offers instruction to the specifics of, well, you know. Anyhoo, I got the book, it's by my nightstand and now that this whole day is over, I have come to some interesting conclusions about last night.
If I am to follow through with my new desires for companionship, I must behave differently than I did in the past. Because that shit ain't working for me now (hence the singleness). Interestingly enough, the Universe (G.d, Buddha, your personal divine entity of choice) is good at testing these intentions the minute we send them "out there." It is up to us, as humans living in this world (ideally with some integrity), to recognize these tests when they come up. If our current choices aren't working, the Universe says "Change it up there, Lil' Camper, 'cuz the fire's not lightin'."
It is at this time in the game, I say to you dear readers, that the boss of the lobby is infatuated with someone. It's stupid and childish and inappropriate and it has to stop here. Furthermore, it is a pattern as old as freaking "Sixteen Candles". My inner yogi says that it is the perfect time to erase those old subconscious tapes and sit down with a cup of coffee and the new Saks Fifth Avenue catalog (fucking brilliant, by the way), do some Adho Mukha Svanasana (downward facing dog) and re-record. I thank these thought patterns for their service, I release any anger or blame for myself, I bid them adieu...

Now, this does not mean that they are going to go away - poof! like that. No no no. This is simply how we are taught to set our intentions and from that moment on, we hold those intentions close to us like a flashlight in a dark cave. So that when it gets especially dark and scary, or those thoughts just don't seem to go away, we can shine a light on them, the light of our purpose, and remind ourselves that this too shall pass, that there is hope, that you can escape from being buried alive in your own fear (yes, I have been watching Kill Bill: Volume 2 again).
By the way, I looked up "plumbing" in the dream dictionary, aside from the obvious references here's a possible connection for those two events happening last night...Plumbing To see plumbing in your dream, symbolizes the flow of emotions. If the plumbing is clogged up, then it signifies repressed or pent up emotions needed to be released and expressed.

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